Swedish early-stage tech startup tracker

Stylized image of Stureplan

Below you find a list of new early-stage tech startups from Sweden – probably the next best alternative to having your own personal startup scout.

The brief startup profiles include information about headquarter, year founded, the company's founders, known funding, as well as URLs to the website, the
LinkedIn profile and additional sources.

36 additions so far in July 2024
Around 300 additions during Jan-June 2024
around 500 additions in 2023

For subscribers of Swedish Tech News PRO, the information on this page is also available through an exclusive Google Sheet.

Update July 26, 2024

Martin Weigert

Martin Weigert

Martin is the founder of Swedish Tech News. Every day he spends many hours gathering and curating the latest from Sweden's startup & tech sector. Contact: m@swedishtechnews.com